Emilio Pucci Scarf, Splendid white tee, Banana Republic Monogram trousers, Louis Vuitton Speedy 25, DVF Opal Wedges, Marc by Marc sunglasses, Marc by Marc belt cuff.
After much thought I've finally decided on an outfit to wear for my first day at Dior! I actually wore these trousers with a button down for my first interview, but this time I wanted to put together a look what was a bit more casual, but also on trend with the "casual dress" in Paris. The trousers I found brand new at Second Time Around for $15, and the scarf I had been drooling over at work until it got marked down for women's half yearly! I think that the scarf is the perfect finishing touch to dress up the outfit just enough.
Now that I've figured out what to wear, I'm still a little apprehensive about my move to the city tomorrow, and also about my last day at Nordstrom, because for once in my life I'm really content in both my living situation and at the workplace.. its hard to leave something good and trust that what you're moving to will be better. I feel like the only way that my life could be better though.... is if I lived in New York. (This is really stupid, but when I saw the Glee finale my heart skipped when I saw the scene where Kurt and Rachel share breakfast at Tiffany's!)
I've only ever visited the city a handful of times, but I know that there are many more places to explore. Each summer I set some goals for myself, most of which I actually accomplish, so this summer I want to set some that are a bit more challenging. A few of my goals for the summer will be to learn french (again), take photos each week either for personal purposes or artistically, keep up my blog, and find my boyfriend an apartment for September. I hope to post soon, my first day will be June 1 and I hope to post again after I move.